“Beam Instrumentation For Particle Accelerators”. UK Student Visit: CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
. “Be-Bi Options For Satellite, Ghost, Debunched Beam And Bunch Length Measurements”. BI Technical Board: CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
. “Be-Bi Options For Satellite/ghost Measurements”. CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
. “Continuous Lhc Beta-Beat Measurements - Status And Prospects For 2011”. ABP-LCU Meeting: CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
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“Fast Inter/intra-Bunch Activities Related To Clic And Lhc”. CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
. “Head-Tail Daq Upgrade”. BI Technical Board: CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
. “A High-Resolution Diode-Based Orbit Measurement System - Prototype Results From The Lhc”. Conf. Proc. Conf. Proc, 2011, MOPD24. 3 p. http://cds.cern.ch/record/1375170/files/CERN-BE-2011-024.pdf.
. “The Lhc Beam Position System: Performance During 2010 And Outlook For 2011”. Conf. Proc. Conf. Proc, 2011, TUPD12. 3 p. http://cds.cern.ch/record/1372181/files/CERN-BE-2011-010.pdf.
. “Lhc Beam-Beam Compensator - Considerations To Make It Compatible With Machine Protection”. Machine Protection Working Group: CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
. “Lhc Beam-Beam Compensator - Required Resources And Time Estimates”. internal review: CERN, 2011. doi:
. “Lhc Beam-Beam Compensator - Status Summary And Preliminary Specification”. internal review: CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
. “Lhc Orbit-Fb Bandwidth – Margins, Limits And Caveats”. LHC Beam Operation Committee: CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
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“Orbit Stability Prospects”. Mini-Chamonix Workshop: CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
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“Real-Time Beam Control At The Lhc”. New York, New York: PAC'11, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
. “Real-Time Beam Control At The Lhc”. In Proceedings Of 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, Ny, Usa, 1399-1403. Proceedings Of 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, Ny, Usa, 2011. http://cds.cern.ch/record/1374135/files/CERN-BE-2011-020.pdf.
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“Update On Chromaticity Measurements”. FiDeL Working Group: CERN, 2011. doi:SOURCE.
. “Beam-Based Feedbacks And Machine Protection”. Machine Protection System Review: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Bi Wall-Current-Monitor Description Of The Required Fesa Class Functionality”. BI Technical Board: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Cohabitation Of Adt And Q/q' Diagnostics Systems”. LHC Machine Committee: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.